1 response
Highly enlarged benday dots are hypnotic.

May I air my gripe about Photoshop coloring? Colorists are too often fooled by their backlit screens, resulting in coloring so dark it overrides the visual cues of the linework on the less luminous printed page.

There are too many murky (or oversaturated) comics, in my opinion.

Lighten up. Don't exceed 70% magenta or cyan in mixed colors, and avoid black shading (K) completely.

Benday color on newsprint had a failsafe, in that CMY inks never got particularly dense. The black linework always overrode color.

On another note, aren't these blowups rather more beautiful than Roy Lichtenstein-style crisp mock-Benday dots? When doing a Lichtenstein knockoff, I suggest cutting from blowups like these and laying it under the linework. I saw this approach executed in an annual report one time, and it worked beautifully.