2 responses
Hello Half-Man Half-Static,

I'm Rey, an artist with a long and keen interest in the comics. I grew up with them and was enthralled and molded by them, until I went on to other things. It was about the same time last year when I was finishing a group of paintings that, in my interests for new visual information, I was experimenting with using aspects of the traditional four-color process. Working with acrylics, I used three colors that came close to the process colors CMY and I used black for the line art.
Looking through some of the comics blogs for a little research, I found your blog and read your treatise on the esthetics behind this imperfect coloring method. In one place, I found a solid explanation for the same esthetics I was then finding among some of this old work from the golden age till the bronze age of comic books, as well as the comic strips.
The selections you offer in your blog are almost always fascinating, sometimes captivating. Blowing up the images to see what our eyes usually just gloss over gave to my mind esthetic possibilities that are quick and yet mysterious, simple and yet dynamic and alive. Often, we recognize the image that you frame in your entires, but the heightened detail makes us appreciate something that lies beyond the comic book and the story to tap into something else. They create what Lichtenstein attempted but even more exact, because it's the actual panel, not something that was fussed over in a large canvas. (I'm not sure what you think of Lichtenstein. And I'm not sure what I think of him either. I go through periods of like and then hate.)
Anyway, I wrote to let you know I love your blog. Please keep them coming.


I'm very glad to hear you're enjoying the blog and that we see old comics the same way. Thanks for posting your own thoughts here.