Ben-Day dots on Wikipedia:
Benjamin Day on Wikipedia:
Art blog Four Color Process... blows up comics panels, and finds the truth about life in benday dots. And it’s a whole lotta truth.
- Douglas Wolk @ (
Pop! Pow! Palimpsest! Four-Color Process, a sublime tumblr of comic visuals.
- Matthew Battles on Twitter
- Matthew Battles on Twitter
As a subscriber, I've been enraptured.
- Jonathan Lethem
- Jonathan Lethem
Each post... reveals the beauty of the ink lines, the textures of the paper and of course the distinctive color halftone screens that are the hallmark of cheap four-color printing. The images are cropped with great artfulness, and manage to find moments of quiet and restfulness within a style of artwork that has always been about frantic motion, kinetic energy and physical action. Some of the pieces look downright still, as if they were somehow captured from the hidden moments that occur between panels. Even better: clicking on the images reveals high-resolution versions of many of them, where you get an even closer look at the fine details of the substrate and the effect becomes even more immersive.
- Khoi Vinh @ (
- Khoi Vinh @ (
This summer, we lamented the wrapping up (after the 100th post) of the terrific blog Comic Book Cartography. But the CBC’s cousin, Four Color Process, is hitting its stride now — and it’s just as amazing.
- Joshua Glenn @ (
- Joshua Glenn @ (
4CP was featured in the July, 2010 issue of British design journal "Creative Review":
Backing up from a minute detail to the full page.
Source: "Action Comics" #265, page 6, 1960.